Another App for Health! Cronometer

I have tried many apps for keeping track of food intake, for watching carbs, fats, proteins, calories. (Although we don’t pay any attention to calories now, only carbohydrates!)

This was my 5th or 6th app and I think we’ll keep it!

Cronometer is a multifaceted app that keeps track of food intake which includes all vitamins, minerals as well as calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins. It also gives you the amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 fats which are so important in stopping disease and slowing aging!

But we also had bought a Withings scale. This scale communicates our weights to Cronometer so we have a daily recording and the charts that go with that.

We also purchased a WIthings blood pressure cuff that attaches to husband’s iPhone. This automatically takes the blood pressure and pulse and records them. And these recordings are also sent to the Cronometer!

Cronometer also allows the recording of exercise, whether aerobic or resistance training.  And you can do data entry for many other health measurements: height, weight, pulse, diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure, blood glucose, body temperature, body fat, waist size, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and mood.

As with all apps, you can subscribe to the premium version. But I find this one has all we need to record and show improvement in health.

The thing I really love about it is we can see how much of our vitamins, minerals we are getting every day. I’ve noticed it is particularly difficult to get all of the required potassium, magnesium, calcium. So we’ve taken steps to get our intake of these minerals higher. It used to be that people received much of their minerals from their well water but today we drink water that’s been purged of most minerals.

Give it a try! See what you think! We think it’s great!


2 thoughts on “Another App for Health! Cronometer

    1. tannngl Post author

      So sorry I hadn’t seen your comment, Mrs. AL.
      It gets tedious sometimes, doing the data entry of the food you eat each day. And when you do it for 2 people…well, it can be onerous. But It’s not too hard because the foods that popup when you start typing a food are usually exactly what you ate and the measurements in the drop down window are pretty universal to our needs.



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